Home » Body


Here you’ll find posts about health, wellness, exercise, beauty, even fashion … all the things of the body. As women of a certain age, we do have a heightened concern about our bodies … we want them to be in good health, and we want to appear well in them. That can take a lot of effort and thought.

I divided this blog into four sections: body, heart, mind, spirit — the idea being to run the gamut, from the physical world to the metaphysical.

There is much in the physical world: yoga, hiking, work, money, beauty and haircare, decorating your house, celebrating holidays. Sometimes it seems my whole world is focused on the material.

But I do believe a strong and healthy body is foundational to good life and what’s more, connected to spiritual welbeing. In more than one spiritual tradition, the body is the gift of the Divine Being for us to learn about various spiritual realities. As the Christian Bible says, “your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore glorify God who is in your body.”

Therefore, concern about health and the body isn’t unspiritual. It’s just our physical world. As one of my good friends told me, “you’re not a physical being having a spiritual experience, you’re a spiritual being having a physical experience.” As in, when you live in this world, in this form.

So blog posts in this category will seek to help us make the most of our physical life, in all the manifestations.


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